We live in a special time, in which everything changes quickly. Inflation is increasing month by month, everything is getting more expensive and we are facing the threat of war. We receive daily reports about the course of the war in Ukraine. We see large numbers of people leaving their country in search of a safe haven.
Just a few numbers; Ukraine has 44 million inhabitants, of which more than four million have now left the country. 25% of the population is under the age of 25 and the population is particularly driven to defend the country. A representative survey was recently conducted in Haiti among 50,000 inhabitants. 85% of the respondents indicated that they no longer see a future for their country. They would like to leave their country as soon as possible, never to return. Insecurity and the lack of any hope for improvement makes you want to look for a better future for yourself. If we keep in mind that 53.5% of the Haitian population is under 25, we see the hopelessness of this.
As Heart for Haiti, we still want to offer hope. By bringing the gospel as comfort and hope for every day and also by investing in education and training. We don’t have the illusion that we can change the system in this country, but every Haitian we can offer hope and future prospects is worth it. The great disasters in the world can affect us emotionally, but if we make it personal and give it a face, it affects us much more. Then we also want to help if we can. Every day we see a group of children happy and motivated going to school on the project, that gives us courage.
Of course, the situation of Ukraine and Haiti cannot be compared, but the natural desire for a safe life and a future for your children applies to both. I hope and pray that you will continue to hold the young people of Haiti in your heart.
Robin Vlug, chairman Heart voor Haiti. (Netherland)
Publication date / last change: 23 Jul 2022